-- The Legend of the Sunbane -- Ancient legend states that somewhere in the land can be found an incredible artifact designed to fight sea dragons: The Sunbane. Lore states it looks ratherlike a large multi-colored sextant, covered with layers of gold inlay. The top and bottom of the artifact is wrapped tightly in blue velvet, with a solid oak base. Held and used like a wand, a very, very powerful mage, of a high level, can exert his will into it. His will is converted to the energy of the sun itself. The mage is surrounded by a mighty glowing orb of purest sunlight, which expands around him. ANY sea dragons in the area are immediately vaporized, as if their might meant nothing. Armed with such a weapon, plus two good shields and a lightening wand, such a mage/fighter is considered to be invincible. Unfortunately, no one's ever seen a real sunbane. It's probably just another children's tale. But mages everywhere continue to search, hoping that such a weapon might prove to exist after all. END